Jun 30, 2020
Carmen and I chat about a difficult topic in Ep. 040. She shares about how she was deeply hurt by her church and was on her way out the door, but then her husband felt called to take a job at that same church. Carmen walks us through what the process of conflict resolution looked like for her and how God restored...
Jun 23, 2020
You know that viral post going around Instagram...Girl, Read Your Bible. You can eat all the kale, buy all the things, etc.? Alisha wrote that. And when she realized it resonated with so many women, she wrote a book about the idea of it all: Chasing Perfect. Listen in as we chat about all of it and how we can find...
Jun 16, 2020
Katie had three kids and thought she was done. God surprised her with two more, one in a way she definitely wasn’t expecting. She shares about what it looks like to meet the needs of five different children and how sanctifying and humbling motherhood is. If you’re in the thick of it, Katie has such good and...
Jun 9, 2020
Lisa’s two-year-old daughter Grace was born with a complex congenital heart defect and spent the first 18 months of her life in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit. Lisa shares what that season looked like, what day-to-day life looks like now with Grace at home, and how God continues to guide her toward a posture...
Jun 2, 2020
Are you feeling weighed down by stress? Or maybe disappointment? Licensed professional counselor Mazi Robinson shares how we can best approach and move through stress and disappointment. How we can acknowledge and validate our feelings but not sit in them forever. We also chat about self-compassion, how it’s vital in...